Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Patrcia Benner, From novice to expert.

This abstract had been created with the objective of learn how is the structure of this, and also, to complement the topic review in the PAE class, models and theories of nursing. Patricia Benner created a philosophy called From novice to expert. The topic of this is how a graduated nurse acquires experience and skills from the clinical practice nursing for advancing five levels, from novice to expert, beginning with conducts guided by their theoretical knowledge, to become an expert, efficient and guided by their professional intuition.    
The purpose is to know how Patricia Benner created this philosophy, how studies or others works she considers how bases of her philosophy.
 For this bibliography review, were used different papers and books about models and theories of nursing.
The results obtained in this review show two important theoretical sources. For this hand, Patricia Benner was influence in her work for the phenomenology of Heidegger, for this reason she considers people as the sum of experiences. On the other hand, she considers the Dreyfus y Dreyfus model about the skills acquire. This consists in five levels, from novice to expert, based on observation of chess players and pilots in emergency situations.
In conclusion, is very important know about models and theories of nursing, because are the basis of nursing knowledge and the history of nursing into a profession. In particular, this philosophy, From novice to expert, is a useful tool for nurses know about the clinical practice and she can guide their actions with the patients, their environment, the family of patient and health-disease process.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The deafness

Deafness is the difficulty or inability to use the sence of hearing. There are different types of hearing loss, for example conductive hearing loss caused by the obstruction of outer or middle iodine, and central hearing loss that affects the brain auditory centers.
The following texts dealing with these types of deafness:

1. Prevalence of hearing impairment in children at risk:

2. Temporal resolutions in children: comparing normal hearing, conductive hearing loss and auditory processing disorder:

 Both texts dealing with deafness studies conducted in children.
 The first paper deal with a clinical and experimental study to compare the resolution brain among chlidren with normal hearing, with conductive hearing loss and auditory processing disorders. The conclusion was that indeed the conductive hearing loss and auditory processing disorder affects perception thresholds, for this reasons these children need auditory stimuli higher than normal charges for the most people.
The second paper deal with a descriptive study to determine the prevalence of hearing impairment in babies. The conclusion in this case was a high prevalence of hearing deficiences, for this reason is important to apply early audiological tests to babies, so we know the cases of deafness and can be treated, as descrbed pathologies affect intellectual and cognitive development of children, causing including problems in language development and personality.

Monday, April 11, 2011


My name is Pierina Labrín, im 19 yeras old and im from Santiago of Chile.
Im studying nursing in the Medical Faculty of University of Chile, in the second year of this career. I hope end my studies and begin a great nurse, because in mi view, our country needs good profesionals of health, who work for the needs of people.
I created this web site for talk about relevants and actualy topics, anybody these are, for example some relevants diseases in children or adults, or any situations of health.